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If you do not know who is on your ballot, go to and select "Who's on the ballot' to get a sample ballot for your registered address. An example of what the main page looks like is shown here.
Once you have your sample ballot, make note of your candidates. You can use MADVoters' Ballot Buddy tool below to learn more about the candidates running for President, US Senate, US House, State Senate, and State House.
We have rated the candidates running for several offices in Indiana based on their alignment to MADVoters' Core Values by analyzing their voting record, published platform. endorsements, and candidate survey results.
To view side-by-side candidate graphics of the Ballot Buddy races, click the images below.
MADVoters-Verified Only: Click these graphics to view just the MVP races and learn about their extremist opponents in more detail.
To Download the MADVoters Ballot Buddy, click on this PDF icon. You can view and even print it out.
Use the tabs to view different offices. If you are having trouble navigating the spreadsheet via mobile, you can use this link to access it a different way.
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